Your Circles of Concern

Like your DNA, your financial concerns are individual and unique. Today we find ourselves at a crossroads, both culturally and economically. Historically, many men have viewed or found themselves most comfortable being the primary wage earner; however, in many households, women can be the primary economic provider, and men are assuming far more domestic responsibility.

Circles of concern may include those individuals you rely upon most for guidance in helping navigate the future you envision. These can often include your attorney, accountant, insurance professional, Social Security and Medicare planner, and other professional advisors.



Questions We Have Helped Our Clients Explore Along Their Journey:

  • Will I outlive my financial resources?
  • Is there a “magic” amount of investable assets and savings required before I can retire securely?
  • What can I anticipate my largest expenditures to be upon or during retirement? (Many are surprised to learn that healthcare is not always their greatest expense.)
  • How can I develop a budget that is balanced with my cash flows while ensuring I can enjoy life?
  • How can I start saving for retirement? Should I be reducing debt, reining in expenses, participating in a 401(k) or other retirement plan, or setting aside more monies for savings and investments?
  • How do I create financial security? Have I truly defined my tolerance for risk? Am I on track to meet my goals and objectives based upon my timeline?
  • What types of insurance coverage could be prudent or helpful to protect my earnings or income, along with my financial security?
  • How might I best pass along an inheritance or create a financial legacy for my children, grandchildren, or charity?
  • Will probate play a role in my estate plan and are there vehicles that can help protect the financial future of my intended beneficiaries upon my passing?
  • Is a 529 Plan or other educational savings initiative valuable for my children or grandchildren?
  • When is the right time to look at establishing or extending gifting initiatives?
  • How can I create greater tax efficiency?
  • What Medicare plan is best for me?
  • At what age should I begin drawing my Social Security and can I receive my spouse’s benefit upon their passing?

Completing Your Journey and Arriving at Your Destination

These questions are just a small sampling of how we’ve engaged with our clients, individually and working in concert with other professional disciplines over 20 years.

Who do you have looking out for your circles of concern?